The richest conspire,
To make the masses desire
And endlessly aspire,
To be more
Like them.

To have and to hold,
Not love, but more gold
And to do what we’re told,
To amass more,
For them.

To ignore all the blows
As inequality grows
And though all the world knows,
Never find fault,
With them.

To look down on the poor
As despicable and impure,
Who were born to endure
And always look up,
To them.

To see the richest as best
To see work as the test
Of who’s cursed and who’s blessed
And whose respected,
By them.

Let’s change it all now,
Let’s let Love show us how.
To ‘be the change’ let’s all vow.
Let’s end the ‘Us
And them’.

Let’s end the division.
Let’s unite and envision.
Let’s bring peace into vision.
Let’s unite them and us
And so be,

© Mary-Ellen, 19th September 2023

We are running out of time.

Tomorrow is already to late for all the people and creatures and biodiversity that have died and are dying. Too late for all the species that have gone and are going extinct, lost to the world forever.

It’s time to realise:

There is no ‘us and them’, only we. All of us. 100% of #AllOfLifeOnEarth.

That all of life is inextricably interconnected and interdependent and an injustice to one is an injustice to us all.

That we all belong to #MotherEarth, not her to us, and that #Love is our universal language and connection to the Earth, to each other, and to all of life on earth.

That 100% of us, humans and non-humans alike, all of Life on Earth, are facing extinction, through the blind acceptance, by us all, to some extent or another, of the illusions and divisions that have been created to other, divide, conquer, control, subjugate, oppress, war against and to enslave and exploit the many for the benefit of the few, in a system that harms and is destroying us all, the oppressors and oppressed, the polluters and protectors alike. A system that is destroying our one and only shared #Home: #PlanetEarth.



All the divisions, the speciesism, sexism, misogyny, racism, disablism, nationalism, ageism, fascism, neoliberalism, etc.,, etc., are all created and used to maintain and accumulate power and wealth in the hands of the so called elite, of the establishment and the wealthiest few, who maintain their status quo, with bribery, corruption, lies, debt, wars, colonialism, hate, fear, division, racism, misogyny, disablism, slavery, exploitation, inequality, poverty, imprisonment, rape, torture, murder, propaganda and sheer brute force.

That all the divisions we witness and experience, are divisive lies, fed to 100% of us, to get us all to play our part, however unwittingly or unwillingly, in order to maintain the ecocidal status quo that’s put us on the “Highway to climate hell” and #Extinction, as UN Secretary General, António Guterres, put it.

It is time to realise the part we all can and must play in being the unifying, love informed and empowered, people powered change we need, if we are to save ourselves and our planet and to finally establish peace, equity, fairness, respect, inclusion and equality for each other and for all of life, as we act now, together, to save lives and put #LifeBeforeProfit, for the sake of ourselves and future generations of life on Earth.

That #SocialJustice, #RacialJustice, #DisabilityJustice, #SocioEconomicJustice, etc., are all part of #ClimateJustice: we cannot attain one without the others.

The cost of greed crisis, the cost of living crisis, the NHS Crisis, the silencing of our truth sharers, all the injustices and wars, including the class war, the floods, famines and food shortages and the growing humanitarian and refugee crises, the ecological and environmental emergencies, the #ClimateCrisis, etc., all of them, none of them are separate issues, they are all part of the same problem, created for the same reason, by the same people: insatiable greed for power, control and money.

That no one was born thinking they are superior. They were indoctrinated and trained to think that way, and to think they must amass pointless amounts of wealth in their vaults and offshore accounts, at all costs, even at the cost of their empathy, humanity and connection to all of life on earth and at the cost to life, including their very own lives and futures and that of their home, our collective home, our Mother Earth.

It’s time to consider how and why we humans are the only species to have fallen for the illusions of money, borders, and all the other means used to divide, control, rob and kill us.

To realise that the power to change it all, lies in our hands.

That we don’t need another bloody revolution, but an epiphany and an evolution.

That we can step away from the illusions and simply choose to stop playing the senseless games of chess and monopoly and world domination, being played out with real lives and the future of Life itself at stake and chose instead to start to live and thrive, together.

That no one was born thinking that some people were born to rule and to be superior and to be the controllers of money, borders, passports, authority, armies, laws, etc., and no one was born thinking the few are somehow more worthy, because of the wealth and power they wield, corrupt and control, while others are worthless, exploitable and expendable.

That some, based on their gender, colour, disability, nationality, religion, jobs or joblessness, etc., are somehow inferior to others. These are indoctrinated fallacies.

We are all so much greater than we realise we are. We are so much than the sum of us, and when we unite and act together, in loving service to #Life and each other, for justice, for peace, for humanity, for all of life on earth and #UniteToSurvive, we are unstoppable and invincible, we are Nature defending itself, we are #LoveInAction.

We are at our invincible, love empowered best and we create magic, together, when we unite and act, for the good of all.

Together, and only together do we stand a chance of ending inequality and all the insatiable greed and baseless divisions that are destroying us and all we hold dear and of halting and turning around the runaway train heading us all to #Extinction.

When we dare to hope and disobey and act as one, for the good and the rights and equitable future of all, then, together, we not only can, but together we win.

Life before profit.

Total System Change, NOT Climate Change.


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